Discover LifePointe
Discovery Nights are a great way to meet our pastors, get to know our team, and have refreshments! You will also meet other new members. We would be honored if you attended! Our lead pastor will share his vision and heart with you, as well as explain our Next Steps process. Please RSVP below.
Get Connected
God never intended for us to face life alone. LifePointe Church offers several age-appropriate ministries designed to help you grow spiritually, connect with other believers, and make new friends. We are available to assist you on your faith journey. Don’t face life alone. Get connected!
There’s nothing more joyful than a brand-new life with Jesus! While baptism doesn’t save you, it does demonstrate that you’ve made a decision for Him! It declares to everyone that you said “Yes” to Jesus. After salvation, baptism is the next step! Want to get baptized? Click the link below to let us know.